
There is help. 

Depression can be debilitating to one’s academic focus. Take a look at our Depression Screening.

Depression can be manifested in many different ways including:

  • persistent sadness, anxiousness, or "emptiness"
  • feelings of hopelessness, pessimism, guilt, worthlessness, and helplessness
  • loss of interest or pleasure in ordinary activities
  • sleep disturbances (insomnia or oversleeping)
  • eating disturbances (decreased or increased weight or appetite)
  • decreased energy, fatigue, and feeling "slowed down"
  • increased restlessness and irritability
  • difficulty concentrating, remembering and making decisions

Many factors can contribute to depression. Among the most important are your background, how you cope with change, and any biological predisposition you may have, such as, a family history of depression, hormonal imbalances, or other serious physical problems.
The most common immediate cause of depression is any type of loss that we may experience such as:

  • the death of a loved one
  • divorce or family separation
  • the break-up of a relationship
  • academic, occupational, or financial stress

These can produce feelings of loss of personal worth that can lead to depression.
Depression can also be caused by internal psychological factors such as:

  • lack of coping skills
  • unrealistic standards and expectations
  • feeling the lack of a support system

Depression may be situational and often short-lived or it can be chronic, and therefore requires professional help.

Talking with a therapist can be extremely beneficial for people who are suffering from depression. Sharing our feelings with a caring professional can provide validation and guidance for coping.

Often in conjunction with therapy, there may be a need for anti-depressant medication if the depression appears to be due to a chemical imbalance and/or if it is extremely persistent. A combination of counseling and anti-depressants has been shown to be quite effective. In fact 80% to 90% of all depressed people respond to treatment and there is a decrease in their depressive symptoms.

SBCC Personal Counseling
Health & Wellness
965-0581 ext. 4098
24-Hour Community Help-line
(805) 692-4011

Assessments, counseling and referrals are always free to SBCC students.

Other web links: - About mental disorders and medication. - Further information about depression - Information about bipolar disorder - Information about suicide