Student Responsibilities

In order to remain eligible for all EOPS services, students must honor the Mutual Responsibility Contract. Each semester, students must satisfy the following requirements:  

  • Meet twice with an EOPS Counselor: MUST schedule appointment in advance

  • Meet twice with an EOPS Advisor: Drop-in

  • Meet twice with an EOPS Peer Advisor: Drop-in

To schedule an appointment with an Academic Counselor, call (805) 965-0581, ext. 4079 or come by our office.

Please check our office hours to come by and see your advisor.

How long can I be in EOPS?

Under Title V, EOPS Students can receive services until they complete the following:

  • 6 semesters; or

  • 70 degree applicable units
  • EOPS Advisors will make final evaluation to determine if students are still eligible for EOPS services